23 Dec 2014

Miguelanxo Prado. A universe in each vignette.


The world famous illustrator , animator, cartoonist and author Galician poster Valdeorras Wine Fair 2014 , Miguelanxo Prado, will be honored in 2015 with the symbolic delivery of wine from the vineyard of acountryman of Valdeorras. The author , meanwhile , perform a travel itinerary on landscapes , wines and heritage of the region of Valdeorras , to be Produced, presented and distributed in 2015.

Miguelanxo Prado documented touring the region and several wineries in the DO Valdeorras and how could it be otherwise , we conducted a video interview in which he says his relationship with the world of wine and who share one Valdeorras in possibly with Pierre Christine .


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