02 Jul 2014

17th Feira do Viño Valdeorras. Wines that you will share.

During these last twenty we had a trip around 12 wine cellars involved in the 17th Feria del Vino de Valdeorras, which will take place on July, 12th and 13th, 2014 in O Barco de Valdeorras.

Different wines, each one with its own singularities, but all of them with #AUniverseInsideEachBottle. To those of you who had not done it, we share with you the links to each one of the tastings. Discover your Universe and come to the Feria del Vino de Valdeorras!

12santamarta 20virxedasvinhas 21alandeval 14ocepado 11bioca 17dosremedios 1acoroa 18virxegalir 16carballal 19dapinguela 10quintapeza 6eladiosantalla  













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