/* */ German trade show Prowein will promote Valdeorras wines in new niche markets
16 Mar 2018

German trade show Prowein will promote Valdeorras wines in new niche markets

Several Valdeorras wine brands from 12 wineries of this county will promote themselves in the exhibition space that the Regulatory Conuncil will have in the Spanish Pavilion, within the framework of the prestigious specialized forum Prowein 2018, starting this current Sunday. The Vicepresident of this organization, Marcos Prada, will travel to Düsseldorf in order to take part in this trade show together with several members of the technical team of this organization.

 In Prowein 2018, over 20 white and red wines of the county will be presented, mainly godellos and mencías. These wines are actually from wineries such as A Coroa, Melillas e Fillos, D´Berna, O Casal, Godeval, Roandi, Joaquín Rebolledo, Rafael Palacios, Quinta da Peza, Alán de Val y and the cooperatives Virxe das Viñas and Jesús Nazareno.

A dozen of wineries from Valdeorras will take part in the exhibition space of the Regulating Board for this forum

 Potential showcase
The President of the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Valdeorras,José Luis García Pando, is fully satified with Valdeorras wine representation in Prowein and he highlights the “potential showcase” of the involvement in this German trade fair:”it is one of the most remarkable trade events, not only within Europe but also globally, with over 6,000 exhibitors from 300 different wine regions”.

García Pando hopes that Prowein will contribute to “reinforce the positioning of the Valdeorras brand” as well as allowing to “promote our wines in new market niches”. “Last year, over 55,000 visitors attended this specialized event and many of them were professionals linked to the wine sector such as restaurateurs or distributors”, he stated.

Moreover, “there are many specialized journalists who also attend this event” – added García Pando – and “our involvement will help to continue strengthening the presence of our wines in the media”. “The media coverage – as the President of the Regulatory Council stated – has been progresively increased during 2017, according to a research carried out by a concultancy specialized on wine, which has been published recently.


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